
Beacon light is currently the most advanced smart products

Beacon lights are widely used in bridges, urban high-rise buildings, radio, television and microwave communications tower, electricity towers and chimneys industrial and airport facilities around the building to ensure aviation safety.
Adopt advanced imported long life light source, usually a flash bulb, and the remaining five for the spare lamp, preset computer software detects the signal when a flash bulb fails, it will automatically switch to the spare bulbs, as well as normal flash.
• Use high-quality electronic components constitute automatic light control switch, at night and in fog, automatically open, automatically shut down during the day
· Flash cycle can be arbitrarily transferring as many as 31 kinds.
* For wide operating voltage range up to AC85V-260V.
· Groups flash through computer interface, daisy means of communication, connection, excluding the number of units, without the need to synchronize the control box.
· Light unit according to international standards, the whole packaging process, impact, corrosion, lightning. Easy to install.

