
Stars led blue beacon light Various classification of solar traffic sign

Stars solar traffic sign, LED traffic signs, road traffic signs
Solar traffic sign is composed of a marking on warning light the road the various lines, arrows, stars led blue beacon light, elevation, road signs marking and contour standard of traffic safety facilities. Its role is to control and guide the traffic. And sign with the use, and can also be used alone.
Solar traffic sign according to the set mode can be divided into the following three categories:
A) driving direction setting longitudinal markings along the road marking;
B) angle is arranged into transverse led baton markings and traffic direction marking;
C) other marking character mark or other forms of marking.
Road traffic marking according to the functions can be divided into the following three categories:
A) indicating line indicates the roadway, driving direction, edge of pavement, pavement markings such facilities.
B) prohibited marking signs, road traffic, do prohibit restrictions special provisions, vehicle drivers and pedestrians must strictly obey the marking.
C) warning marking the vehicle drivers and warning signal light pedestrians on the road of special circumstances, to alert, ready to prevent strain measure reticle.

