
Installation Stars Safety Warning Light logo lights

Prepare vehicle Safety Warning Light installed before the start of the following tools : .. 1 flathead screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver, 2 , 3 insulating tape , 4 towels, 5 pliers.
1 marked the first shop beside the trunk of a car towel , with a flathead screwdriver pry logo, shop towel to prevent scratching the body 2 . Attention first double-sided adhesive peel the body , when the prying force is moderate, not too fierce , little by little , slowly pry down , cleaning the car standard and the car body sided adhesive 3 with a Phillips screwdriver to remove the interior rear bulkhead , note that some places have clips, be careful operating noise removed board can see various lines . 4 now come standard installation of car lights, car standard lamp power line through one of the car standard positioning holes , wear to tear inside the trunk of the car beacon -sided adhesive on the back , while the cable side of the car beacon light stick to the car body , the pressure tight. 5 car Safety Beacon Warning Light installed, then the power now . Vehicle beacon light to pick license after power lights , so when you turn the car standard lamp night light will also open , to find the license plate lamp power connector 6 . Unplug the plug, a hole in the positive and negative of each strip , exposing the wire core , according to red to red , black to black -wired , do not forget to wrap with insulating tape and, finally, re- plug back ! Replace the tail cover insulation board !

