
Stars Safety Warning Light Strobe Warning Light Precautions

1 can be controlled by turning the knob strobe speed, clockwise from high to low strobe strobe lit up.
2 When the red charge indicator light on the charger, rechargeable battery charger indicator lights green after completion. Timely charge, which can be charged when the lights dim. Completely stop the use of time should not exceed two months.
3 To extend battery life per charge, the battery should be continuously filled, should try to avoid each discharge energy runs out. If power is exhausted, should be promptly charged within 72 hours in order to avoid damage or shorten Stars Safety Warning Light battery life.
4 Stars Safety Warning Light shall not be placed in the vicinity of the fire source and heat use. Use of the environment in a very flammable gas or acid, while alkali gases, please use caution.

